Developing SPIs for LiveCycle

The LiveCycle SPI is a set of Java APIs that enable you to create custom service providers for the User Management service, the Rights Management service, and the Signature service. The User Management service enables administrators to maintain a database for all users and groups, synchronized with one or more third-party user directories. The User Management service provides authentication, authorization, and user management for LiveCycle services.

An external authorization handler provides centralized access control for documents in your organization. The Rights Management service controls access to policy-protected documents by performing a policy evaluation when determining whether a user can access a policy-protected document. For example, the Rights Management service decides whether a user can print a policy-protected document.

By creating an external authorization handler, you can use an access control mechanism that your content management system uses, in addition to the standard policy evaluation process. As a result, document access can be controlled by the same control mechanism that your content management system uses. For example, when the Rights Management service determines whether a user can print a policy-protected document, it uses the standard policy evaluation process and the access control mechanism that your content management system uses.

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