HomeAnhangDITA 1.3-SpezifikationLanguage reference: All-inclusive editionLearning and training elementsLearning and training: interactions domain elementsInteractions domain content elements ➜ lcCorrectResponse2


The <lcCorrectResponse2> element in an assessment interaction indicates a correct response. This element replaces the <lcCorrectResponse> element in DITA 1.2.

In a <lcHotspot2> interaction, indicate the correct hotspot by setting the @value attribute of <lcCorrectResponse2> to the id of the "correct" area in the image map.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


+ topic/data learningInteractionBase2-d/data learning2-d/lcCorrectResponse2


   <!--True - False Interaction                    -->
    <lcInteractionLabel2>True - False sun rising</lcInteractionLabel2>
    <lcQuestion2>On Earth, the sun rises in the West and sets in the East.</lcQuestion2>
    <lcFeedbackIncorrect2>No, look to the East.</lcFeedbackIncorrect2>
    <lcFeedbackCorrect2>Yes, look to the East.</lcFeedbackCorrect2>

Example with the <lcHotspot2> element

   <!--Hotspot Interaction    -->
    <lcInteractionLabel2>Team logos hotspot</lcInteractionLabel2>
    <lcQuestion2>Which of the following is the logo for the Minnesota Twins?</lcQuestion2>
     <image href="hotlogos.gif"/>
     <lcArea2 id="twins">
      <lcCorrectResponse2 value="twins"/>
     <lcArea2 id="giants">
     <lcArea2 id="cardinals">
     <lcArea2 id="orioles">


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, outputclass, and the attributes defined below.

The name used to indicate this data. The default value for this attribute is "lcCorrectResponse2".
@value (REQUIRED)
The value. In an <lcHotspot2> interaction, set the value to the id corresponding to the correct area in the imagemap.