Home ➜ Anhang ➜ DITA 1.3-Spezifikation ➜ Language reference: All-inclusive edition ➜ Technical content elements ➜ Technical-content domains elements ➜ xNAL domain elements
The xNAL domain elements represent a subset of the Extensible Name and Address Standard. It is used to encode information about the author or authors of DITA information. The domain can be included in any DITA document type shell that requires additional metadata for names and addresses, although the implementations provided by OASIS only include it in the bookmap document type.
element contains detailed information about the author or authoring organization. <addressdetails>
element contains information about the address of the author or authoring group.<administrativearea>
element contains information about a county, state, or province. <contactnumber>
element contains the contact number of a person or organization, such as a telephone number, mobile phone number, or fax number.<contactnumbers>
element contains a list of telephone and fax numbers. <country>
element contains the name of a country. <emailaddress>
element contains an e-mail address. <emailaddresses>
element contains a list of e-mail addresses. <firstname>
element contains the person's first name. <generationidentifier>
element contains information about the person's generation, such as: Jr, III, or VIII.<honorific>
element contains the person's title, such as: Dr., Mr., Ms., or HRH.<lastname>
element contains the person's last name. <locality>
element contains information about the city and postal or ZIP code. It can contain the information directly, or by acting as a wrapper for <localityname>
and <postalcode>
. <localityname>
element contains the name of the locality or city.<middlename>
element contains the person's middle name or initial. <namedetails>
element contains information about the name of the author or the authoring organization. <organizationinfo>
element contains detailed information about an authoring organization. <organizationname>
element contains name information about the authoring organization. <organizationnamedetails>
element contains information about the name of an authoring organization. <otherinfo>
element contains other name information about the author or authoring organization. <personinfo>
element is a wrapper containing all relevant data about a person, including name, address, and contact information.<personname>
element contains name information about the author.<postalcode>
element contains information about the postal code or the ZIP code.<thoroughfare>
element contains information about the thoroughfare - for example, the street, avenue, or boulevard - on which an address is located.<url>
element contains a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), such as a person's or company's internet address.<urls>
element contains a list of Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).