HomeAnhangDITA 1.3-SpezifikationLanguage reference: All-inclusive editionLearning and training elements ➜ Learning and training: interactions domain elements (DEPRECATED)

Learning and training: interactions domain elements (DEPRECATED)

Use the learning interactions to construct a basic set of question and response interaction. The domain also provides an <lcInstructornote> element, which you can use to provide instructor-specific information in the learning topics.

Note: DITA 1.3 defines two new domains for describing learning and training interactions: learningInteractionBase2Domain and learning2Domain. These two new domains mirror the DITA 1.2 learningInteractionBase and general learning domains, but the new versions provide support for multi-paragraph questions, answers, and feedback. The new domains are otherwise semantically identical to the original domains. For backwards compatibility, both interactions domains are supported in DITA 1.3. For new content, use the DITA 1.3 learning2Domain elements.