Home ➜ Anhang ➜ DITA 1.3-Spezifikation ➜ Language reference: All-inclusive edition ➜ Learning and training elements ➜ Learning and training: common content elements
The learning and training content elements provide specialized content for learning topics.
provides the age range of the intended learner audience, for use by curriculum developers and course planners. <lcAssessment>
describes assessment plans.<lcAttitude>
describes mental state that influences the choices of personal actions.<lcAudience>
describes characteristics of the learners who take the instruction. <lcBackground>
provides the learners' professional background and the relevancy to the learning plan.<lcChallenge>
refers to what it is that you want the student to practice. For example, if you're studying network diagrams, and challenge might be "see if you can put this network into its proper sequence" or "see if you understand this network flow".<lcCIN>
provides a course identification number or other alternate identifier for the project title. <lcClassroom>
describes the classroom environment.<lcClient>
provides the person or organization sponsoring or requiring the learning event development.<lcConstraints>
describes the organizational or technical aspects that can limit the organization's ability to effectively use the instruction to meet its goals. <lcDelivDate>
provides the project delivery date.<lcDelivery>
describes the delivery method for this learning content.<lcDownloadTime>
describes the maximum time allowed for download time in the client's delivery environment.<lcDuration>
provides an estimated duration for the learning activity.<lcEdLevel>
provides the range of learners' education level and the relevancy to the learning plan.<lcFileSizeLimitations>
describes any file size limitation in the download environment.<lcGapAnalysis>
compares existing learning objectives to current job task analysis. <lcGapItem>
describes gaps between existing training objectives and related job-task-analysis content.<lcGapItemDelta>
describes the gap between the learning objective and the task analysis.<lcGeneralDescription>
provides a space to develop a general description about the organization's training needs. <lcGoals>
provides the outcomes desired by the organization to be addressed by the training effort. These goals can require concurrent efforts outside of training such as technology acquisition, reorganization, and so forth. <lcGraphics>
describes standards and system requirements for displaying graphics and other related content types.<lcHandouts>
provides aspects of the course that are provided by the instructor in support of the course learning objectives. <lcInstruction>
describes the specifics of a learning activity.<lcInteraction>
is a wrapper element for all the interactions of the assessment. The interactions themselves are based on the <lcInteractionBase>
type. A starter set of interaction types is defined in the learning domain.<lcIntervention>
describes the approach and strategies to building the learning materials, based on the needs analysis.<lcInterventionItem>
describes how learning content is built, based on a systems approach to analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating any instructional experience.<lcIntro>
provides a detailed introduction and description of the content to be delivered, in cases where the <shortdesc>
is not adequate to fully describe the content. It can also include instructor notes. <lcJtaItem>
provides description of job task analysis (JTA) as related to a particular learning objective.<lcKnowledge>
element describes the learner's current knowledge and the relevancy to the broader plan audience or a specific task in the plan. <lcLearnStrat>
describes the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.<lcLMS>
provides the LMS name and version number used in the learning event.<lcModDate>
provides the project modification date. <lcMotivation>
provides the reasons why the learners want and/or need to take the instruction.<lcNeeds>
provides the needs behind the outcomes described by the <lcGoals>
. <lcNeedsAnalysis>
describes the training requirement and identifies the need to develop or revise content. These include periodic training gap analyses, changes to operational or maintenance requirements, and changes to equipment or systems. <lcNextSteps>
suggests next steps to reinforce the knowledge learned.<lcNoLMS>
when you plan to deliver the content as a standalone package, without a learning management system (LMS). <lcObjective>
describes a single learning objective. <lcObjectives>
lists or describes the learning goals.<lcObjectivesGroup>
contains a list of one or more learning objectives. <lcObjectivesStem>
provides a leading sentence to introduce a list of learning objectives. <lcOJT>
is "the on-the-job training" and describes aspects of the course taking place in the work environment.<lcOrganizational>
describes an organization's learning requirements. <lcOrgConstraints>
provides organizational aspects that can limit the organization's ability to effectively use the instruction to meet its goals. <lcPlanAudience>
describes characteristics of the learners who take the instruction.<lcPlanDescrip>
provides a plan description.<lcPlanObjective>
describes the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.<lcPlanPrereqs>
element provides the knowledge, skills, abilities, courses and other activities learners must have satisfied to take the instruction.<lcPlanResources>
describes resource needs.<lcPlanSubject>
provides a complete description of the subject of the planned learning.<lcPlanTitle>
provides a title for a specific module, lesson, or section of the course that this plan describes.<lcPlayers>
describes tools and plugins used for time-sequenced display at runtime.<lcPrereqs>
describes the knowledge, experience, or other prerequisites needed to complete the content.<lcProcesses>
describes processes learners routinely follow.<lcProject>
provides learning content project plan description information. <lcResolution>
describes the required computer screen resolution for the online instruction.<lcResources>
provides a list of related resources and information about them, such as related articles or samples on the web.<lcReview>
provides a review of the main points.<lcSecurity>
describes the security requirements in the delivered instruction.<lcSkills>
describes the learners' current skill set and the relevancy to the broader plan audience or a specific task in the plan. <lcSpecChars>
provides learner characteristics specific to the population that will influence the design, including learning disabilities, physical handicaps, and so forth. <lcSummary>
provides a textual summary that describes the main learning goals and lessons learned.<lcTask>
captures a work item to be performed, as part of the learning plan.<lcTaskItem>
describes a discreet task to be taught.<lcTechnical>
describes the technical requirements to the learning content and how those requirements are supported by the instructional design.<lcTime>
specifies the time expected to complete an activity. You can specify the time both as text to display to the user and as an attribute value that follows a specific time format.<lcValues>
describes affective components of desired instructional outcomes. <lcViewers>
describes viewers used for time-sequenced display at runtime.<lcW3C>
provides requirements for use of world wide web consortium standards. <lcWorkEnv>
describes the working conditions and contexts in which the training will be applied.<lcWorkEnvDescription>
provides the general working environment in which the training will be applied.