HomeAnhangDITA 1.3-SpezifikationLanguage reference: All-inclusive editionMetadata elementsProlog (metadata) elements ➜ source


The <source> element identifies a resource from which the present topic is derived, either completely or in part.

The <source> element contains a description of the resource. Alternatively, the @href or @keyref attributes can be used to reference a description of the resource. It is implementation-dependent what it means when the element has both content and an attribute-based reference to another resource.

This element is equivalent to the <Source> element in Dublin Core.

Content models

See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.


- topic/source


 <source>Somewhere, someplace</source>


The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, Link relationship attribute group (with a narrowed definition for @href, given below), and @keyref.

Provides a reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. See The href attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications.