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Processing controlled attribute values

An enumeration of controlled values can be defined with hierarchical levels by nesting subject definitions. This affects how processors perform filtering and flagging.

The following algorithm applies when processors apply filtering and flagging rules to attribute values that are defined as a hierarchy of controlled values and bound to an enumeration:

  1. If an attribute specifies a value in the taxonomy, and a DITAVAL or other categorization tool is configured with that value, the rule matches.
  2. Otherwise, if the parent value in the taxonomy has a rule, that matches.
  3. Otherwise, continue up the chain in the taxonomy until a matching rule is found.

The following behavior is expected of processors:

Example: A hierarchy of controlled values and conditional processing

The following example illustrates a set of controlled values that contains a hierarchy.

  <subjectdef keys="users">
    <subjectdef keys="therapist">
      <subjectdef keys="novice-therapist"/>
      <subjectdef keys="expert-therapist"/>
    <subjectdef keys="oncologist"/>
    <subjectdef keys="physicist"/>
    <subjectdef keys="radiologist"/>
    <attributedef name="audience"/>
    <subjectdef keyref="users"/>

Processors that are aware of the hierarchy that is defined in the subject scheme map will handle filtering and flagging in the following ways: