Define chapter layout

You can define a chapter layout for a project to order topics and folders logically in the Project Manager pod. RoboHelp uses this chapter layout to auto-create a TOC.


If you rename a folder or a topic, the topics and folders retain their order.

If you delete a topic or a folder, the remaining topics retain their order.

If you add a new topic or a folder, it is added at the top inside the parent folder.

If you drop a topic or a folder on a non-topic/folder item (such as CSS, image, or baggage), it moves to the last position inside the parent folder of the target.

When you upgrade a project from an older version of RoboHelp, all the topics appear randomly. You can customize the order of topics later.

You can right-click a folder or topic in the Project Manager pod and select Explore to open the topic or the folder in Windows Explorer.

Drag folders

Drag a topic or a folder above or below another topic or folder. For linked documents, you can drag only above the linked documents.

September 30, 2016

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