Create demo, step-by-step, and handout topics from an Adobe Captivate project

  1. In RoboHelp, choose File >Import >Adobe Captivate Project.

  2. Navigate to a .cp or .cptx file and select it.

  3. In the import Adobe Captivate Topic dialog, select the type of topics you want to create from the Adobe Captivate project and specify the filenames and titles.

    1. Demo Topic: Contains slides from the Adobe Captivate project with the demo. To generate HTML 5 output, select HTML 5.

      Note: Previous versions of RoboHelp allowed you to launch Adobe Captivate from within RoboHelp and add topics with the demo output of an Adobe Captivate project.
    2. Step-By-Step Topic: Contains the list of steps recorded in the Adobe Captivate project. The topic does not include the background image of the slides but does include images of interactive objects (buttons, links, and so on) in the steps.

    3. Handout Topic: Contains all the slides as they appear with the layout options you choose.

  4. Click OK.

    TCS launches Adobe Captivate and generates the specified outputs. Once the outputs are created, Adobe Captivate is closed and the outputs are imported to RoboHelp.

    Adobe Captivate publishes the recording as a SWF (and HTML 5 if you selected it) file, a step-by-step document, and a handout document depending on the options you selected. In the open RoboHelp project, you'll find new topics added with the output.

    The topics containing the Adobe Captivate output store the absolute path of Adobe Captivate project in topic properties. Therefore, moving the Adobe Captivate project is not recommended. RoboHelp project keeps the absolute path of the Adobe Captivate project. Later, you can edit the Adobe Captivate generated topics or SWF file using the same project.

    These topics should be edited with Adobe Captivate only. Any changes made within the Design editor are lost if you update the topics again with Adobe Captivate.

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