9.6.4 Configuring SQL Server database connectivity

To enable WebLogic Server and your LiveCycle deployment to connect to the SQL Server database, you must create a database connection for WebLogic Server by setting up a connection pool and a data source.

To create a new data source for SQL Server on WebLogic 11g:

  1. Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > click Data Sources and, in the right pane, click New.

  3. On the next screen, set the following properties:

    • In the Name box, type IDP_DS.

    • In the JNDI name box, type IDP_DS.

    • In the Database Type list, select MS SQL Server.

    • In the Database Driver list, select Microsoft’s MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions:2005, 2008

  4. Click Next and select Supports Global Transactions and Emulate Two-Phase Commit.

  5. Click Next and define the following properties that apply to the SQL Server database you created during your LiveCycle install preparations:

    Database Name: The name of the database you have created

    Host Name: The name or IP address of the computer on which SQL Server is running

    Port: The database port. The default is 1433

    Database User Name: The name of the user you created on the SQL Server database

    Password and Confirm Password: The password associated with the user

  6. Click Next and then click Test Configuration to verify the configuration settings.

    Note: If the test is successful, a “Connection test succeeded” message appears. Click Next. Otherwise, review the error message that appears and modify the settings as required until the test succeeds.
  7. On the next screen, select the server that the data source will connect to (in this case, the managed server.)

  8. Click Finish and then click Activate Changes.

Configure the connection pool settings

  1. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources and, in the right pane, click IDP_DS.

  2. On the next screen, click the Configuration tab > Connection Pool tab.

  3. In the Maximum Capacity box, type 30.

  4. In the Statement Cache Size box, type 80.

  5. Click Save and then click Activate Changes.

  6. Restart WebLogic managed server.

Create a new data source for SQL Server for Rights Management on WebLogic 11g

Note: This procedure applies only if you have Rights Management installed.
  1. Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources and, in the right pane, click New.

  3. On the next screen, set the following properties:

    • In the Name box, type RM_DS.

    • In the JNDI Name box, type EDC_DS.

    • In the Database Type list, select MS SQL Server.

    • In the Database Driver box, select Microsoft’s MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions:2005, 2008

    • Click Next and select Supports Global Transactions and One-Phase Commit.

  4. Click Next and define the following properties that apply to the SQL Server database you created during your LiveCycle install preparations:

    Database Name: The name of the database you have created

    Host Name: The name or IP address of the computer on which SQL Server is running

    Port: The database port. The default is 1433

    Database User Name: The name of the user you created on the SQL Server database

    Password and Confirm Password: The password associated with the user

  5. Click Test Configuration to verify the configuration settings.

    Note: If the test is successful, a “Connection test succeeded” message appears. Click Next.Otherwise review the error message that appears and modify the settings as required until the test succeeds.
  6. On the next screen, select the server that the data source will connect to (in this case, the managed server) and then click Finish.

Configure the connection pool settings

  1. Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  2. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources and, in the right pane, click RM_DS.

  3. On the next screen, click the Configuration and the Connection Pool tab, and set the following properties:

    • In the Initial Capacity box, type 1.

    • In the Maximum Capacity box, type 20.

    • In the Capacity Increment box, type 5.

    • In the Statement Cache Size box, type 80.

  4. Click Save and then click Activate Changes.

  5. Restart WebLogic managed server.

Map the Windows login to the LiveCycle database user

Note: You must already have a user account created and associated with your Windows domain.
  1. Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the database server that hosts the LiveCycle database.

  2. Set the Authentication mode to Windows authentication.

  3. Under Security > Logins, create a new account for the Windows domain user and select Windows authentication.

  4. On the Login - New screen, click User Mapping and set the database and default schema for the new user.

  5. Select db_owner as the Database role and click OK.

To verify that you created the user, expand the LiveCycle database in the navigation tree and click Security > Users. The new user is listed there.

Configure integrated security on Windows

  1. Start the WebLogic Administration Console by typing http://[host]:[port]/console in the URL line of a web browser.

    Note: Start the application server by using the Windows domain user. If WebLogic Server is running as a service, it should be started by using the Windows domain user account.
  2. Type the user name and password that you created for the WebLogic Server domain and click Log In.

  3. Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

  4. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources and, in the right pane, click IDP_DS.

  5. On the next screen, click the Configuration tab > ConnectionPool tab and, in the Properties box, type integratedSecurity=true.

    Note: If you set this value to true, you must ensure that you configured your SQL Server to use Integrated Security. (See Preparing to Install LiveCycle (Single Server).)
  6. Under Domain Structure, click Services > JDBC > Data Sources and, in the right pane, click RM_DS.

  7. On the next screen, click the Configuration tab > Connection Pool tab and, in the Properties box, type integratedSecurity=true.

  8. On the computer where the application server is installed, add sqljdbc_auth.dll to the Windows systems path (C:\Windows).

    Note: The sqljdbc_auth.dll file is in the same location as the Microsoft SQL JDBC 3.0 driver installation (default is [DriverInstallDir]/sqljdbc_3.0/enu/auth/x64).

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