Compare two numbers using client-side expression evaluation

The following ActionScript example details how to compare two numbers using client-side expression evaluation. To perform the evaluation, pass a JSP-EL compliant expression and the target variables to an IExpressionManager instance. Configure the client-side with a variable resolver via the IVariableResolver instance. The returned value is an IComputedExpression instance.

var em: IExpressionManager = new ExpressionManagerImpl(); 
var vr: IVariableResolver = new SimpleVariableResolver(); 
em.variableResolver = vr; 
vr.setValue("number1", 5); 
vr.setValue("number2", 3); 
var ce: IComputedExpression = em.manage("${number2 > number1}"); 
// Can read the value immediately since the expression does not contain any asynchronous remote calls 

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