Displays a dialog box containing
a question and an entry field for the user to reply to the question.
The return value is a string containing the user's response. If
the user presses the cancel button on the dialog box, the response
is null.
SyntaxReference_Syntax.response(STRING param1 [, STRING param2 [, STRING param3 [, BOOLEAN param4 ] ] ])
A valid string representing a question for
the user.
param2 (Optional)
A valid string representing the title that
appears in the title bar of the dialog box.
param3 (Optional)
A valid string representing the default
value for the answer to the question.
param4 (Optional)
true | 1 (JavaScript)
or 1 (FormCalc) (default)
Masks the user’s answer with * (asterisks).
false | 0 (JavaScript) or 0 (FormCalc)
Does not mask the user’s answer.
string representing the user’s answer. If the user presses the cancel
button on the dialog box, the answer is the null object.
JavaScriptxfa.host.response("Question", "Title", "Default Value");
FormCalcxfa.host.response("Question", "Title", "Default Value")