Configuring caching for Forms

The Forms service takes form designs that were created in Designer and renders them in various formats.

The Forms page in Administration Console contains settings that control the way the Forms service caches items. You can adjust these settings to optimize the performance of the Forms service.

The Forms service caches the following items:

  • form designs: The Forms service caches form designs that it retrieves from the repository or from HTTP sources. This caching improves performance because for subsequent render requests, the Forms service retrieves the form design from the cache instead of from the repository.

  • fragments and images: The Forms service can cache fragments and images used in form designs. When the Forms service caches these objects, it improves performance because the fragments and images are only read from the repository on the first request.

  • forms: The Forms service caches the forms that it renders. This type of caching improves performance because the Forms service does not need to resolve and render the same form in subsequent requests.

Forms stores the cache in two locations:

  • in memory: Items are stored in memory for quick access. The in-memory cache has a limited size and is deleted when you restart the server.

  • on disk: Items are stored in the server’s file system. The disk cache has a larger capacity than the in-memory cache and it is retained when you restart the server. The location of the disk cache depends on your application server. For information on changing the location of the disk cache, see Configuring locations for Forms.

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