Document Management service settings

Note: Adobe® LiveCycle® Content Services ES (Deprecated) is a content management system installed with LiveCycle. It enables users to design, manage, monitor, and optimize human-centric processes. Content Services (Deprecated) support ends on 12/31/2014. See Adobe product lifecycle document. To know about configuring Content Services (Deprecated), see Administering Content Services.

The Document Management service (DocumentManagementService) enables processes to use the content management functionality provided by Content Services (Deprecated). Document Management operations provide basic tasks that are required to maintain spaces and content in the content management system. Examples of such tasks are copy, delete, move, retrieve, and store content, create spaces and associations, and get and set content attributes.

The following settings are available for the Document Management service. For details on how to configure these settings, see Configure service settings.

Store Scheme:
The scheme of the store in which content is located. The default value is workspace.

HTTP Port:
The port used to access Content Services (Deprecated). The default value is 8080.

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