Microsoft Excel settings (Windows only)

These options determine how Microsoft Excel files are converted. For instructions about accessing these options, see Create or edit file type settings.

Try OpenOffice As Fallback Converter:
When this option is selected and a conversion using Microsoft Excel fails or reaches the specified time-out limit, PDF Generator attempts the conversion by using OpenOffice. If the conversion using OpenOffice fails or reaches the specified time-out limit, an exception is written to the log file.

Filename Extensions:
Specifies the filename extensions for file types, separated by commas, that are accepted for this application. The default is xls,xlsx. Do not include a period before or a space between the extensions.

Create PDF/A-1a Compliant File:
Forces the use of the PDF/A-1b:2005 RGB Adobe PDF setting.

Add Bookmarks To Adobe PDF:
Converts Excel worksheet names to bookmarks. This option is selected by default.

Fit Worksheet To A Single Page:
Reduces the size of the text to fit the worksheet on a single page.

Convert Entire Workbook:
Converts all worksheets in the Excel file. If this option is not selected, only the current page is converted.

Run Macros Automatically:
Runs any macros in the Excel document (such as a macro that inserts the current time) before converting the document.

Convert Document Information:
Adds PDF document properties based on the document information in the source file. This includes information such as document title, author, subject, and keywords.

Add Links To Adobe PDF:
Converts hyperlinks in the source file to hyperlinks in the PDF document.

Attach Source File To Adobe PDF:
When this option is selected, the original Excel spreadsheet is inserted as an attachment inside the generated PDF document.

Enable Accessibility And Reflow With Tagged Adobe PDF:
Embeds tags inside the PDF document to enable accessibility and reflow.

List Of Excel Addins To Load:
By default (for security reasons), no Excel add-ins are run when an Excel file is converted to PDF. To allow certain Excel add-ins to run during conversion, provide a comma-separated list of the names of the add-ins.

List Of Worksheets To Convert:
When this box is empty, all worksheets in the Excel spreadsheet are included in the generated PDF. To selectively convert a subset of the worksheets, provide a comma-separated list of worksheet names.

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