Microsoft Project settings (Windows only)

These options determine how Microsoft Project files are converted. For instructions about accessing these options, see Create or edit file type settings.

Filename Extensions:
Specifies the filename extensions for file types, separated by commas, that are accepted for this application. The default is mpp. Do not include a period before or a space between the extensions.

Convert Document Information:
Adds document information from the Properties dialog box of the source file, including title, subject, author, keywords, manager, company, category, and comments. This option is selected by default.

Attach Source File To Adobe PDF:
Adds the source file to the PDF file as an attachment.

Create PDF/A-1a Compliant File:
Forces the use of the PDF/A-1b:2005 RGB Adobe PDF setting.

Run Macros Automatically:
Runs any macros in the Microsoft Project document (such as a macro that inserts the current time) before converting the document.

// Ethnio survey code removed