Use case 1: Global applicability

Note: This procedure uses the sample files from the Bike project, which is pre-packaged with the S1000D application pack for FrameMaker 10.
  1. Select S1000D > Common Source Data.

    The S1000D Common Source Data dialog appears.

  2. In the Data Module List tab, open the Normal operation procedures (crew) data module (filename: DMC-S1000DBIKE-AAA-D00-00-00-00AA-131A-A_007-00_EN-US.xml).
  3. If the module does not display the Identification and Status section, select S1000D > Show Identification and Status section.
  4. In the Common Source Data dialog, select the Applicability tab and then PCT.
  5. In the list of products, select the first product and click Apply.
    The selected product is highlighted. You have set the applicability to the following product values:



    Serial number



    Brook trekker







Global applicability for the DM is in place now. The attribute values of the selected product are compared against the applicability expression of the module. The applicability expression is specified in the applic element in the module’s Identification and Status section. The applicability expression specifies the product attribute type as Mountain bicycle and model and version combination as one of the following:
  1. model = Mountain storm & version = Mk1

  2. model = Brook trekker & version = Mk9

Since the selected product’s attributes comply with the applicability expression (model = Brook trekker & version = Mk9), the module is displayed in the output.

// Ethnio survey code removed