Find SCOs

All objects on Adobe Connect are Shareable Content Objects, or SCOs. The word Shareable comes from learning management systems in which content is combined into courses or curriculums and shared among them.

On the server, a SCO can be any content object that is combined with other content objects into a course or curriculum. Courses, curriculums, presentations, and other types of content are SCOs. Meetings, events, folders, trees, links, graphics files, or any other object are also SCOs.

Each SCO has a unique integer identifier called a sco-id . The sco-id is unique across the entire server. On a Adobe Connect hosted account, the sco-id is unique across all accounts.

Each SCO also has a type, such as content , course , meeting , and so on. You can see the sco-id and type values in the response from sco-info or other actions:

<sco account-id="624520" disabled="" display-seq="0" folder-id="2006258747" 
        icon="producer" lang="en" max-retries="" sco-id="2006334909" 
        source-sco-id="" type="content" version="1">

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