Download files

You can download zip files from Adobe Connect to a user’s local computer. A zip file is a SCO. To download it, you need to construct a download URL to the zip file, which looks like this:


You probably already know the domain name of your server (such as ). If you do not, you can get it by calling sco-shortcuts .

Download a zip file from the server

  1. Call sco-shortcuts :
  2. Extract any domain-name value from the response:
  3. Call sco-info with the sco-id of the zip file:

    The SCO is the entire zip file.

  4. Parse the response for the url-path element:

    <sco account-id="624520" disabled="" display-seq="0" folder-id="624522" 
            icon="folder" lang="en" max-retries="" sco-id="2006258747"  
            source-sco-id="" type="folder" version="1"> 
  5. Construct the download URL, for example:

    Be sure to remove the trailing slash from the url-path value before adding .zip to it (so you have a value like / , not /quiz/.zip ).

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