Set permissions for content files and folders

To customize the permissions list for a file or folder, you must be an administrator, a limited administrator, or a user with Manage permission for that library file or folder.
Note: Administrators set permissions for limited administrators in the Administration > Users and Groups section of Connect Central. By default, limited administrators can set permissions for content, but an administrator could choose to revoke this ability.
  1. Click the Content, Training, Meetings, Seminar Rooms, or Event Management tab in Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the folder or file and click its name to open it.
  3. Click Set Permissions on the navigation bar.
  4. Click Customization. (If the permissions for this item have been modified before, the Customization button does not appear. Proceed to the next step.)

    The Available Users and Groups pane displays users and groups for whom you can define permissions for the library item. The Current Permissions pane displays users and groups who already have permissions for the library item. You can change the existing permissions if desired.

  5. To add a user or group to the Current Permissions pane, select the name in the Available Users And Groups list and click Add.
    View full size graphic
    Setting permissions and navigating Available Users and Groups
    Click to set folder or file permissions to be the same as the parent folder permissions

    Choose a viewing permission

    Double-click a group name to view the users in that group

    Double-click the Up One Level icon to go up one folder level


    Click the Search button to open a text box for searching

    Click Add to move a selected user or group to the Current Permissions list

  6. To set the permissions for a user or group, select the name in the Current Permissions list and click Permissions.
  7. Select one of the following permissions from the pop-up menu:
    Users or groups with Manage permission for a folder or file can view, delete, move, and edit the file or folder, view reports for files in that folder, set permissions for the file or folder, and create new folders. However, they cannot publish to that folder.

    Users or groups with a Denied permission setting for a folder or file cannot view, publish, or manage this folder or file.

    Users or groups with a Publish permission setting for a folder or presentation can publish, update, and view presentations, as well as view reports for files in that folder. However, these users must also be members of the Built-in Author group, as well as have Publish permission, to publish content to this folder.

    Users or groups with a View permission setting for a folder or file can view any content in the folder, or can view the individual file.

    View full size graphic
    Current permission settings
    Selected name

    Click the Permissions button to select a permission setting. The setting is displayed next to the name.

  8. To remove a user or group from the Current Permissions list, select the name and click Remove.
  9. To reset permissions for the entire library folder or file to be the same as the permissions of the parent folder, click Reset to Parent.
  10. For Content library only: Select Yes for Allow Public Viewing to make this folder publicly viewable, even if the parent folder is not publicly viewable. Select No to make the folder inaccessible to the public. Only Adobe Connect users with View, Manage, or Publish permissions can view private content. To do so, they must first log in with an Adobe Connect user name and password.

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