About Connect Central reports

The reporting feature in Connect enables you to quickly and easily obtain a wide variety of useful data about your Connect installation.

The wizard-based interface lets you select a general type of report, and then make choices to specify exactly the information that you need. For example, suppose you choose to create a course report. After selecting a course, you view current enrollment details or view the entire enrollment history for the course. Another example is when you create a meeting report, you view a summary of activity for one room over time. Alternatively, you view details about one specific meeting session.

Information provided in system usage reports help you fine-tune your Connect installation and costs. For example, you can obtain facts about system activity for a particular cost center.

Important general information about reports:

  • If you have direct reports, click Manager Reports to see data about trainings completed, meetings attended, and events attended for each direct report. Click the name of a direct report to list their direct reports.

  • Groups cannot be used as a sort option. The groups column contains multiple values if a user is a member of multiple groups. When a user belongs to more than one group and you sort by group, sorting only uses the first group in the list. For information aggregated by group, use the Group report option where available, for example, in the Learner and User reports.

  • The default sort order for all reports that contain user names is by last name.

  • Sort column information in ascending or descending order by clicking the column headers (except the group column header).

  • Add or remove column headers dynamically by selecting or deselecting “Select fields” in the Report wizard.

Note: If you upgraded from Adobe Connect Enterprise Server 6 to Adobe Connect Server 7, legacy training materials migrated to the new server. However, the Adobe Connect Server 7 Reports wizard supports new data fields that are not reported for legacy training materials. The new data fields appear blank. Also, the definitions of some fields in the new reports may be slightly different from the fields offered in the old reports. For example, in the new reports the field “enrolled” includes all enrolled users, but in the old reports it only included active enrolled users. For details about report fields, see individual report descriptions in this document.

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