Audio in breakout rooms

Note: Breakout rooms in audio conferences that use universal voice do not have their own audio, just the audio from the main meeting room. If your organization requires that all online conversations be recorded, consider using the compliance and control settings to disable breakout rooms. See Working with compliance and control settings .

If an integrated telephony provider supports Adobe Connect breakout rooms, each breakout becomes a separate audio conference. When breakout rooms are closed, all attendees return to the main audio conference line automatically.

When using a non-integrated provider that supports audio breakouts, manually configure your telephony breakouts (using private audio bridges) to match the online breakout rooms.

If your provider does not support audio breakouts, instead use VoIP with computer microphones. A separate VoIP audio channel is created for each breakout room, allowing each to have separate conversations. Participants are automatically assigned the role of presenter in a breakout room, giving them full VoIP rights. When a host ends a breakout session, everyone returns to the main meeting room and VoIP audio channel.

If VoIP is not possible, attendees can use the Chat pod to communicate in breakout rooms.

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