
The Content, Training, Meetings, Seminar Rooms, and Event Management tabs in Connect Central each contain a library of files organized in folders. Files that you store in the Training, Meetings, Seminar Rooms, and Event Management libraries are available for activities in those respective tabs only. Files in the Content library can be accessed from all tabs in Connect Central.

Administrators, limited administrators, and users with Manage permissions can set permissions to determine which tasks each user can perform in the libraries.

Note: Administrators set permissions for limited administrators in the Administration > Users and Groups section of Connect Central. By default, limited administrators can set permissions for content, but an administrator could choose to revoke this ability.
Except for the Seminar library, each library has the following two top-level folders:
Shared Content
When Adobe Connect is installed, only the administrator has access privileges to the Shared folders. Administrators can assign permissions for the Shared folders in any way appropriate. Only members of the Built-in group associated with that library can create new functions (meetings, events, and so on) in the folder. However, Manage permissions for a Shared folder can be assigned to any user. For example, in the Meetings library, any user with Manage permissions for a folder can manage the folder. Only meeting hosts can create new meetings in a folder.

User Content
When a user is assigned to a specific Built-in group, Connect creates a user folder for that individual in the associated library. For example, any users assigned to the meeting host group receive a folder in the User Meetings folder in the Meetings library. It is this folder the user sees when accessing the Meetings tab. Users can manage their own user folders, including setting permissions that give other users access privileges to the folders.

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My items


Seminar library folders have a different structure. In the Seminar library, there are no user folders; instead, each folder represents a different seminar license that your organization purchased. Users assigned to the Seminar Host group have Manage permissions for all Seminar Rooms folders. Seminar hosts can add and delete seminars, assign Manage permissions to other users, and create new seminars.

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