Example: GeometricShapesThe GeometricShapes sample application shows how a number of object-oriented concepts and features can be applied using ActionScript 3.0, including:
It also includes a “factory method” that creates class instances, showing how to declare a return value as an instance of an interface, and use that returned object in a generic way. To get the application files for this sample, see www.adobe.com/go/learn_programmingAS3samples_flash. The GeometricShapes application files can be found in the folder Samples/GeometricShapes. The application consists of the following files:
Defining the GeometricShapes classesThe GeometricShapes application lets the user specify a type of geometric shape and a size. It then responds with a description of the shape, its area, and distance around its perimeter. The application user interface is trivial, including a few controls for selecting the type of shape, setting the size, and displaying the description. The most interesting part of this application is under the surface, in the structure of the classes and interfaces themselves. This application deals with geometric shapes, but it doesn’t display them graphically. The classes and interfaces that define the geometric shapes in this example are shown in the following diagram using Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation: ![]() GeometricShapes Example Classes Defining common behavior with interfacesThis GeometricShapes application deals with three types of shapes: circles, squares, and equilateral triangles. The GeometricShapes class structure begins with a very simple interface, IGeometricShape, that lists methods common to all three types of shapes: package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public interface IGeometricShape { function getArea():Number; function describe():String; } } The interface defines two methods: the getArea() method, which calculates and returns the area of the shape, and the describe() method, which assembles a text description of the shape’s properties. It’s also desirable to know the distance around the perimeter of each shape. However, the perimeter of a circle is called the circumference, and it’s calculated in a unique way, so the behavior diverges from that of a triangle or a square. Still there is enough similarity between triangles, squares, and other polygons that it makes sense to define a new interface class just for them: IPolygon. The IPolygon interface is also rather simple, as shown here: package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public interface IPolygon extends IGeometricShape { function getPerimeter():Number; function getSumOfAngles():Number; } } This interface defines two methods common to all polygons: the getPerimeter() method that measures the combined distance of all the sides, and the getSumOfAngles() method that adds up all the interior angles. The IPolygon interface extends the IGeometricShape interface, which means that any class that implements the IPolygon interface must declare all four methods—the two from the IGeometricShape interface, and the two from the IPolygon interface. Defining the shape classesOnce you have a good idea about the methods common to each type of shape, you can define the shape classes themselves. In terms of how many methods you need to implement, the simplest shape is the Circle class, shown here: package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public class Circle implements IGeometricShape { public var diameter:Number; public function Circle(diam:Number = 100):void { this.diameter = diam; } public function getArea():Number { // The formula is Pi * radius * radius. var radius:Number = diameter / 2; return Math.PI * radius * radius; } public function getCircumference():Number { // The formula is Pi * diameter. return Math.PI * diameter; } public function describe():String { var desc:String = "This shape is a Circle.\n"; desc += "Its diameter is " + diameter + " pixels.\n"; desc += "Its area is " + getArea() + ".\n"; desc += "Its circumference is " + getCircumference() + ".\n"; return desc; } } } The Circle class implements the IGeometricShape interface, so it must provide code for both the getArea() method and the describe() method. In addition, it defines the getCircumference() method, which is unique to the Circle class. The Circle class also declares a property, diameter, which won’t be found in the other polygon classes. The other two types of shapes, squares and equilateral triangles, have some other things in common: they each have sides of equal length, and there are common formulas you can use to calculate the perimeter and sum of interior angles for both. In fact, those common formulas apply to any other regular polygons that you define in the future as well. The RegularPolygon class is the superclass for both the Square class and the EquilateralTriangle class. A superclass lets you define common methods in one place, so you don’t have to define them separately in each subclass. Here is the code for the RegularPolygon class: package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public class RegularPolygon implements IPolygon { public var numSides:int; public var sideLength:Number; public function RegularPolygon(len:Number = 100, sides:int = 3):void { this.sideLength = len; this.numSides = sides; } public function getArea():Number { // This method should be overridden in subclasses. return 0; } public function getPerimeter():Number { return sideLength * numSides; } public function getSumOfAngles():Number { if (numSides >= 3) { return ((numSides - 2) * 180); } else { return 0; } } public function describe():String { var desc:String = "Each side is " + sideLength + " pixels long.\n"; desc += "Its area is " + getArea() + " pixels square.\n"; desc += "Its perimeter is " + getPerimeter() + " pixels long.\n"; desc += "The sum of all interior angles in this shape is " + getSumOfAngles() + " degrees.\n"; return desc; } } } First, the RegularPolygon class declares two properties that are common to all regular polygons: the length of each side (the sideLength property) and the number of sides (the numSides property). The RegularPolygon class implements the IPolygon interface and declares all four of the IPolygon interface methods. It implements two of these—the getPerimeter() and getSumOfAngles() methods—using common formulas. Because the formula for the getArea() method differs from shape to shape, the base class version of the method cannot include common logic that can be inherited by the subclass methods. Instead, it simply returns a 0 default value to indicate that the area was not calculated. To calculate the area of each shape correctly, the subclasses of the RegularPolygon class have to override the getArea() method themselves. The following code for the EquilateralTriangle class show how the getArea() method is overridden: package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public class EquilateralTriangle extends RegularPolygon { public function EquilateralTriangle(len:Number = 100):void { super(len, 3); } public override function getArea():Number { // The formula is ((sideLength squared) * (square root of 3)) / 4. return ( (this.sideLength * this.sideLength) * Math.sqrt(3) ) / 4; } public override function describe():String { /* starts with the name of the shape, then delegates the rest of the description work to the RegularPolygon superclass */ var desc:String = "This shape is an equilateral Triangle.\n"; desc += super.describe(); return desc; } } } The override keyword indicates that the EquilateralTriangle.getArea() method intentionally overrides the getArea() method from the RegularPolygon superclass. When the EquilateralTriangle.getArea() method is called, it calculates the area using the formula in the preceding code, and the code in the RegularPolygon.getArea() method never executes. In contrast, the EquilateralTriangle class doesn’t define its own version of the getPerimeter() method. When the EquilateralTriangle.getPerimeter() method is called, the call goes up the inheritance chain and executes the code in the getPerimeter() method of the RegularPolygon superclass. The EquilateralTriangle() constructor uses the super() statement to explicitly invoke the RegularPolygon() constructor of its superclass. If both constructors had the same set of parameters, you could have omitted the EquilateralTriangle() constructor completely, and the RegularPolygon() constructor would be executed instead. However, the RegularPolygon() constructor needs an extra parameter, numSides. So the EquilateralTriangle() constructor calls super(len, 3), which passes along the len input parameter and the value 3 to indicate that the triangle has three sides. The describe() method also uses the super() statement, but in a different way. It uses it to invoke the RegularPolygon superclass’ version of the describe() method. The EquilateralTriangle.describe() method first sets the desc string variable to a statement about the type of shape. Then it gets the results of the RegularPolygon.describe() method by calling super.describe(), and it appends that result to the desc string. The Square class isn’t described in detail here, but it is similar to the EquilateralTriangle class, providing a constructor and its own implementations of the getArea() and describe() methods. Polymorphism and the factory methodA set of classes that make good use of interfaces and inheritance can be used in many interesting ways. For example, all of the shape classes described so far either implement the IGeometricShape interface or extend a superclass that does. So if you define a variable to be an instance of IGeometricShape, you don’t have to know whether it is actually an instance of the Circle or the Square class to call its describe() method. The following code shows how this works: var myShape:IGeometricShape = new Circle(100); trace(myShape.describe()); When myShape.describe() is called, it executes the method Circle.describe(), because even though the variable is defined as an instance of the IGeometricShape interface, Circle is its underlying class. This example shows the principle of polymorphism in action: the exact same method call results in different code being executed, depending on the class of the object whose method is being invoked. The GeometricShapes application applies this kind of interface-based polymorphism using a simplified version of a design pattern known as the factory method. The term factory method means a function that returns an object whose underlying data type or contents can differ depending on the context. The GeometricShapeFactory class shown here defines a factory method named createShape(): package com.example.programmingas3.geometricshapes { public class GeometricShapeFactory { public static var currentShape:IGeometricShape; public static function createShape(shapeName:String, len:Number):IGeometricShape { switch (shapeName) { case "Triangle": return new EquilateralTriangle(len); case "Square": return new Square(len); case "Circle": return new Circle(len); } return null; } public static function describeShape(shapeType:String, shapeSize:Number):String { GeometricShapeFactory.currentShape = GeometricShapeFactory.createShape(shapeType, shapeSize); return GeometricShapeFactory.currentShape.describe(); } } } The createShape() factory method lets the shape subclass constructors define the details of the instances that they create, while returning the new objects as IGeometricShape instances so that they can be handled by the application in a more general way. The describeShape() method in the preceding example shows how an application can use the factory method to get a generic reference to a more specific object. The application can get the description for a newly created Circle object like this: GeometricShapeFactory.describeShape("Circle", 100); The describeShape() method then calls the createShape() factory method with the same parameters, storing the new Circle object in a static variable named currentShape, which was typed as an IGeometricShape object. Next, the describe() method is called on the currentShape object, and that call is automatically resolved to execute the Circle.describe() method, returning a detailed description of the circle. Enhancing the sample applicationThe real power of interfaces and inheritance becomes apparent when you enhance or change your application. Say that you wanted to add a new shape, a pentagon, to this sample application. You would create a Pentagon class that extends the RegularPolygon class and defines its own versions of the getArea() and describe() methods. Then you would add a new Pentagon option to the combo box in the application’s user interface. But that’s it. The Pentagon class would automatically get the functionality of the getPerimeter() method and the getSumOfAngles() method from the RegularPolygon class by inheritance. Because it inherits from a class that implements the IGeometricShape interface, a Pentagon instance can be treated as an IGeometricShape instance too. That means that to add a new type of shape, you do not need to change the method signature of any of the methods in the GeometricShapeFactory class (and consequently, you don’t need to change any of the code that uses the GeometricShapeFactory class either). You may want to add a Pentagon class to the Geometric Shapes example as an exercise, to see how interfaces and inheritance can ease the workload of adding new features to an application. |
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