Event handling example: Alarm Clock

Flash Player 9 and later, Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

The Alarm Clock example consists of a clock that allows the user to specify a time at which an alarm will go off, as well as a message to be displayed at that time. The Alarm Clock example builds on the SimpleClock application from Working with dates and times Alarm Clock illustrates several aspects of working with events in ActionScript 3.0, including:

  • Listening and responding to an event

  • Notifying listeners of an event

  • Creating a custom event type

To get the Flash Professional application files for this sample, see http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_programmingAS3samples_flash . To get the Flex application files for this sample, see http://www.adobe.com/go/as3examples . The Alarm Clock application files can be found in the Samples/AlarmClock folder. The application includes these files:






The main application file in Flash (FLA) or Flex (MXML).


A class which extends the SimpleClock class, adding alarm clock functionality.


A custom event class (a subclass of flash.events.Event) which serves as the event object for the AlarmClock class’s alarm event.


Draws a round clock face and hour, minute, and seconds hands based on the time (described in the SimpleClock example).


A clock interface component with simple timekeeping functionality (described in the SimpleClock example).

Alarm Clock overview

The primary functionality of the clock in this example, including tracking the time and displaying the clock face, reuses the SimpleClock application code, which is described in Date and time example: Simple analog clock . The AlarmClock class extends the SimpleClock class from that example by adding the functionality required for an alarm clock, including setting the alarm time and providing notification when the alarm “goes off.”

Providing notification when something happens is the job that events are made for. The AlarmClock class exposes the Alarm event, which other objects can listen for in order to perform desired actions. In addition, the AlarmClock class uses an instance of the Timer class to determine when to trigger its alarm. Like the AlarmClock class, the Timer class provides an event to notify other objects (an AlarmClock instance, in this case) when a certain amount of time has passed. As with most ActionScript applications, events form an important part of the functionality of the Alarm Clock sample application.

Triggering the alarm

As mentioned previously, the only functionality that the AlarmClock class actually provides relates to setting and triggering the alarm. The built-in Timer class (flash.utils.Timer) provides a way for a developer to define code that will be executed after a specified amount of time. The AlarmClock class uses a Timer instance to determine when to set off the alarm.

    import flash.events.TimerEvent; 
    import flash.utils.Timer; 
     * The Timer that will be used for the alarm. 
    public var alarmTimer:Timer; 
     * Instantiates a new AlarmClock of a given size. 
    public override function initClock(faceSize:Number = 200):void 
        alarmTimer = new Timer(0, 1); 
        alarmTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onAlarm); 

The Timer instance defined in the AlarmClock class is named alarmTimer . The initClock() method, which performs necessary setup operations for the AlarmClock instance, does two things with the alarmTimer variable. First, the variable is instantiated with parameters instructing the Timer instance to wait 0 milliseconds and only trigger its timer event one time. After instantiating alarmTimer , the code calls that variable’s addEventListener() method to indicate that it wants to listen to that variable’s timer event. A Timer instance works by dispatching its timer event after a specified amount of time has passed. The AlarmClock class will need to know when the timer event is dispatched in order to set off its own alarm. By calling addEventListener() , the AlarmClock code registers itself as a listener with alarmTimer . The two parameters indicate that the AlarmClock class wants to listen for the timer event (indicated by the constant TimerEvent.TIMER ), and that when the event happens, the AlarmClock class’s onAlarm() method should be called in response to the event.

In order to actually set the alarm, the AlarmClock class’s setAlarm() method is called, as follows:

     * Sets the time at which the alarm should go off. 
     * @param hour The hour portion of the alarm time. 
     * @param minutes The minutes portion of the alarm time. 
     * @param message The message to display when the alarm goes off. 
     * @return The time at which the alarm will go off. 
    public function setAlarm(hour:Number = 0, minutes:Number = 0, message:String = "Alarm!"):Date 
        this.alarmMessage = message; 
        var now:Date = new Date(); 
        // Create this time on today's date. 
        alarmTime = new Date(now.fullYear, now.month, now.date, hour, minutes); 
        // Determine if the specified time has already passed today. 
        if (alarmTime <= now) 
            alarmTime.setTime(alarmTime.time + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); 
        // Stop the alarm timer if it's currently set. 
        // Calculate how many milliseconds should pass before the alarm should 
        // go off (the difference between the alarm time and now) and set that 
        // value as the delay for the alarm timer. 
        alarmTimer.delay = Math.max(1000, alarmTime.time - now.time); 
        return alarmTime; 

This method does several things, including storing the alarm message and creating a Date object ( alarmTime ) representing the actual moment in time when the alarm is to go off. Of most relevance to the current discussion, in the final several lines of the method, the alarmTimer variable’s timer is set and activated. First, its reset() method is called, stopping the timer and resetting it in case it is already running. Next, the current time (represented by the now variable) is subtracted from the alarmTime variable’s value to determine how many milliseconds need to pass before the alarm goes off. The Timer class doesn’t trigger its timer event at an absolute time, so it is this relative time difference that is assigned to the delay property of alarmTimer . Finally, the start() method is called to actually start the timer.

Once the specified amount of time has passed, alarmTimer dispatches the timer event. Because the AlarmClock class registered its onAlarm() method as a listener for that event, when the timer event happens, onAlarm() is called.

     * Called when the timer event is dispatched. 
    public function onAlarm(event:TimerEvent):void  
        var alarm:AlarmEvent = new AlarmEvent(this.alarmMessage); 

A method that is registered as an event listener must be defined with the appropriate signature (that is, the set of parameters and return type of the method). To be a listener for the Timer class’s timer event, a method must define one parameter whose data type is TimerEvent (flash.events.TimerEvent), a subclass of the Event class. When the Timer instance calls its event listeners, it passes a TimerEvent instance as the event object.

Notifying others of the alarm

Like the Timer class, the AlarmClock class provides an event that allows other code to receive notifications when the alarm goes off. For a class to use the event-handling framework built into ActionScript, that class must implement the flash.events.IEventDispatcher interface. Most commonly, this is done by extending the flash.events.EventDispatcher class, which provides a standard implementation of IEventDispatcher (or by extending one of EventDispatcher’s subclasses). As described previously, the AlarmClock class extends the SimpleClock class, which (through a chain of inheritance) extends the EventDispatcher class. All of this means that the AlarmClock class already has built-in functionality to provide its own events.

Other code can register to be notified of the AlarmClock class’s alarm event by calling the addEventListener() method that AlarmClock inherits from EventDispatcher. When an AlarmClock instance is ready to notify other code that its alarm event has been raised, it does so by calling the dispatchEvent() method, which is also inherited from EventDispatcher.

        var alarm:AlarmEvent = new AlarmEvent(this.alarmMessage); 

These lines of code are taken from the AlarmClock class’s onAlarm() method (shown in its entirety previously). The AlarmClock instance’s dispatchEvent() method is called, which in turn notifies all the registered listeners that the AlarmClock instance’s alarm event has been triggered. The parameter that is passed to dispatchEvent() is the event object that will be passed along to the listener methods. In this case, it is an instance of the AlarmEvent class, an Event subclass created specifically for this example.

Providing a custom alarm event

All event listeners receive an event object parameter with information about the particular event being triggered. In many cases, the event object is an instance of the Event class. However, in some cases it is useful to provide additional information to event listeners. A common way to accomplish this is to define a new class, a subclass of the Event class, and use an instance of that class as the event object. In this example, an AlarmEvent instance is used as the event object when the AlarmClock class’s alarm event is dispatched. The AlarmEvent class, shown here, provides additional information about the alarm event, specifically the alarm message:

    import flash.events.Event; 
     * This custom Event class adds a message property to a basic Event. 
    public class AlarmEvent extends Event  
         * The name of the new AlarmEvent type. 
        public static const ALARM:String = "alarm"; 
         * A text message that can be passed to an event handler 
         * with this event object. 
        public var message:String; 
         *@param message The text to display when the alarm goes off. 
        public function AlarmEvent(message:String = "ALARM!") 
            this.message = message; 

The best way to create a custom event object class is to define a class that extends the Event class, as shown in the preceding example. To supplement the inherited functionality, the AlarmEvent class defines a property message that contains the text of the alarm message associated with the event; the message value is passed in as a parameter in the AlarmEvent constructor. The AlarmEvent class also defines the constant ALARM , which can be used to refer to the specific event ( alarm ) when calling the AlarmClock class’s addEventListener() method.

In addition to adding custom functionality, every Event subclass must override the inherited clone() method as part of the ActionScript event-handling framework. Event subclasses can also optionally override the inherited toString() method to include the custom event’s properties in the value returned when the toString() method is called.

     * Creates and returns a copy of the current instance. 
     * @return A copy of the current instance. 
    public override function clone():Event 
        return new AlarmEvent(message); 
     * Returns a String containing all the properties of the current 
     * instance. 
     * @return A string representation of the current instance. 
    public override function toString():String 
        return formatToString("AlarmEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase", "message"); 

The overridden clone() method needs to return a new instance of the custom Event subclass, with all the custom properties set to match the current instance. In the overridden toString() method, the utility method formatToString() (inherited from Event) is used to provide a string with the name of the custom type, as well as the names and values of all its properties.

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