Using the AIRAliases.js file

Adobe AIR 1.0 and later

The runtime classes are organized in a package structure, as in the following:

  • window.runtime.flash.desktop.NativeApplication

  • window.runtime.flash.desktop.ClipboardManager

  • window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream


    Included in the AIR SDK is an AIRAliases.js file that provide “alias” definitions that let you access the runtime classes with less typing. For example, you can access the classes listed above by simply typing the following:

  • air.NativeApplication

  • air.Clipboard

  • air.FileStream

  • air.SQLDatabase

    This list is just a short subset of the classes in the AIRAliases.js file. The complete list of classes and package-level functions is provided in the Adobe AIR API Reference for HTML Developers .

    In addition to commonly used runtime classes, the AIRAliases.js file includes aliases for commonly used package-level functions: window.runtime.trace() , , and , which are aliased as air.trace() , air.navigateToURL() , and air.sendToURL() .

    To use the AIRAliases.js file, include the following script reference in your HTML page:

    <script src="AIRAliases.js"></script>

    Adjust the path in the src reference, as needed.

    Important: Except where noted, the JavaScript example code in this documentation assumes that you have included the AIRAliases.js file in your HTML page.

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