Detecting geolocation changes

To use the geolocation sensor, instantiate a Geolocation object and register for update events it dispatches. The update event is a Geolocation event object. The event has eight properties:

  • altitude —The altitude in meters.

  • heading —The direction of movement (with respect to true north) in degrees.

  • horizontalAccuracy —The horizontal accuracy in meters.

  • latitude —The latitude in degrees.

  • longitude —The longitude in degrees.

  • speed —The speed in meters per second.

  • timestamp —The number of milliseconds at the time of the event since the runtime was initialized.

  • verticalAccuracy —The vertical accuracy in meters.

The timestamp property is an int object. The others are Number objects.

Here is a basic example that displays geolocation data in a text field:

var geo:Geolocation; 
if (Geolocation.isSupported) 
    geo = new Geolocation(); 
    geo.addEventListener(GeolocationEvent.UPDATE, updateHandler); 
    geoTextField.text = "Geolocation feature not supported"; 
function updateHandler(event:GeolocationEvent):void 
    geoTextField.text = "latitude: " + event.latitude.toString() + "\n" 
            + "longitude: " + event.longitude.toString() + "\n" 
            + "altitude: " + event.altitude.toString() 
            + "speed: " + event.speed.toString() 
            + "heading: " + event.heading.toString() 
            + "horizontal accuracy: " + event.horizontalAccuracy.toString() 
            + "vertical accuracy: " + event.verticalAccuracy.toString() 

To use this example, be sure to create the geoTextField text field and add it to the display list before using this code.

You can adjust the desired time interval for geolocation events by calling the setRequestedUpdateInterval() method of the Geolocation object. This method takes one parameter, interval , which is the requested update interval in milliseconds:

var geo:Geolocation = new Geolocation(); 

The actual time between geolocation updates may be greater or lesser than this value. Any change in the update interval affects all registered listeners. If you don’t call the setRequestedUpdateInterval() method, the application receives updates based on the device's default interval.

The user can prevent an application from accessing geolocation data. For example, the iPhone prompts the user when an application attempts to obtain geolocation data. In response to the prompt, the user can deny the application access to geolocation data. The Geolocation object dispatches a status event when the user makes access to geolocation data unavailable. Also, the Geolocation object has a muted property, which is set to true when the geolocation sensor is unavailable. The Geolocation object dispatches a status event when the muted property changes. The following code shows how to detect when geolocation data is unavailable:

    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.display.StageAlign; 
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode; 
    import flash.sensors.Geolocation; 
    import flash.text.TextField; 
    import flash.text.TextFormat; 
    public class GeolocationTest extends Sprite 
        private var geo:Geolocation; 
        private var log:TextField; 
        public function GeolocationTest() 
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; 
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; 
            if (Geolocation.isSupported) 
                geo = new Geolocation(); 
                if (!geo.muted) 
                    geo.addEventListener(GeolocationEvent.UPDATE, geoUpdateHandler); 
                geo.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, geoStatusHandler); 
                log.text = "Geolocation not supported"; 
        public function geoUpdateHandler(event:GeolocationEvent):void 
            log.text = "latitude : " + event.latitude.toString() + "\n"; 
            log.appendText("longitude : " + event.longitude.toString() + "\n"); 
        public function geoStatusHandler(event:StatusEvent):void 
            if (geo.muted) 
                geo.removeEventListener(GeolocationEvent.UPDATE, geoUpdateHandler); 
                geo.addEventListener(GeolocationEvent.UPDATE, geoStatusHandler); 
        private function setUpTextField():void 
            log = new TextField(); 
            var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 24); 
            log.defaultTextFormat = format; 
            log.border = true; 
            log.wordWrap = true; 
            log.multiline = true; 
            log.x = 10; 
            log.y = 10; 
            log.height = stage.stageHeight - 20; 
            log.width = stage.stageWidth - 20; 
            log.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearLog); 
        private function clearLog(event:MouseEvent):void 
            log.text = ""; 
Note: First-generation iPhones, which do not include a GPS unit, dispatch update events only occasionally. On these devices, a Geolocation object initially dispatches one or two update events. It then dispatches update events when information changes noticeably.

Checking geolocation support

Use the Geolocation.isSupported property to test the runtime environment for the ability to use this feature:

if (Geolocation.isSupported) 
    // Set up geolocation event listeners and code. 

Currently, geolocation is only supported on ActionScript-based applications for the iPhone and in Flash Lite 4. If Geolocation.isSupported is true at run time, then geolocation support exists.

Some iPhone models do not have a GPS unit. These models use other means (such as mobile phone triangulation) to obtain geolocation data. For these models, or on any iPhone that has the GPS disabled, a Geolocation object may only dispatch one or two initial update events.

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