<fx:Model> tag implemented by the compiler
You use the <fx:Model> tag to declare a data model in MXML. An <fx:Model> tag is compiled into a tree of ActionScript objects; the leaves of the tree are scalar values.
MXML Syntax
You can place an <fx:Model> tag in a Flex application file, or in an MXML component file. The tag must have an id value. It cannot be the root tag of an MXML component. The <fx:Model> tag has the following syntax:
<fx:Model id="modelID">
model declaration
<fx:Model id="modelID" source="fileName" />
where source
specifies an external source, such as a file, for the data model.
The external source can contain static data and data binding expressions.
The file referenced in a source
property resides on the server and not on the client machine.
The compiler reads the source value and compiles the source into the application;
the source
value is not read at runtime.
The model declaration, either in-line in the tag or in the source file, must have a single root
node that contains all other nodes. You can use MXML binding expressions, such as
in the model declaration.
This way you can bind the contents of form fields to a structured data representation.
In the following example, the myEmployee model is placed in an MXML application file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark""> ... <fx:Model id="MyEmployee"> <root> <name> <first>Will</first> <last>Tuckerman</last> </name> <department>Accounting</department> <email>wtuckerman@wilsoncompany.com</email> </root> </fx:Model> ... </s:Application>
Thu Dec 6 2018, 01:51 PM -08:00