ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform contains the ActionScript language elements, core libraries, and component packages and classes for the tools, runtimes, services and servers in the Flash Platform.

Filter by product using the preset filters

This reference combines the information about the ActionScript language elements and libraries for the following Adobe products and runtimes. Click on a product name below to filter this reference to show only the content for the latest version of that product and related runtimes:

Adobe® Flash® Player 32.0 and earlier
Adobe® AIR® 32.0 and earlier
Adobe® Flash® Lite 4
Adobe® Flash® Professional CS6 and earlier
Adobe® Flex® 4.6 and earlier
Adobe® ColdFusion® 10 and earlier
Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform 10.0.1 Adobe® Digital Enterprise Platform 10.0.1 and earlier (previously Adobe® LiveCycle Enterprise Suite) Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Data Services for Java EE 4.6 Adobe® Digital Enterprise Platform - Data Services for Java EE 4.6 and earlier (previously Adobe® LiveCycle Data Services)
Adobe® BlazeDS 4
Open Source Media Framework 2.0 and earlier

Filter by product using the filter controls

Use the controls at the top of the page to customize your view of the reference:

  • Use the filters to include or exclude content for specific products and runtimes. The lists of packages and classes in the Packages and Classes panels change to reflect your filter settings.
  • Click the "Show Packages and Classes List" link to show the Packages and Classes panels, if they are not already showing.